Saturday, March 30, 2013

Morning routine: Breakfast

Morning routine is so hard to establish and so easy to break. I was raised to always have breakfast in the morning. I wasn't spoiled enough to have a home cooked breakfast laid in front of me, but I wasn't living the anime trope of toast in the mouth either.

Going to college has definitely made me realize how important breakfast and a good morning routine is.
I've seen lot of students sitting in morning lecture, some barely awake, others with grumbly tummies, and even the occasional few who have forgotten their necessary laptop or pset. I'm not too shamed to admit but after an all nighter, I've been that person too. Worse, if I don't follow my routine then I end up as the person who forgot their pset, makes a ruckus while entering the lecture hall late, and has a growling stomach the whole lecture long.

The point is that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I know it's hard to fit in time for breakfast, so I'll share my quick fixes. Sometimes I do just one; on good days I do a


  • Banana
  • Granola
  • Cereal
  • Microwave Oatmeal
  • Microwave Grits
  • Croissants
  • Apples
  • Granola/Breakfast bar


  • Scrambled Egg
  • Deli-sliced Turkey/Ham
  • Protein Bar
  • Peanut Butter
  • Whole Milk Yogurt
  • Sausage

Carb & Protein

  • Toast and Jam
  • Bread and Nutella
  • Sandwich
  • Croissants with Ham/Egg
  • Any carb + Grab and go packaged yogurt
  • Any carb + protein powder

Drink water! A glass of water right when wake up and head out- it is almost as good as coffee, I swear to you.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Inspiring song

I've been a fan of k-pop since my early high school years. All my friends were fans of G-dragon and Shinee while we imitated the cool style of Wonder Girls and Girl's Generation. I was a big fan of 2NE1 and their badass style, but it was so exciting to see GSGN grow up in front of us. 

As a long time fan of Miss A, I am in love with this song. The message is so great, especially for women in college. Hearing from such successful and gorgeous ladies a message about pursuing your goals, caring for your parents, and saving money - I knew my love of Miss A was well placed. Not to mention I love the wavy locks that Wang Fei is rocking.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Dorm Kitchen: Cleaning and Pest Prevention

Dorm kitchen are scary places. A lot of them are nasty, not deeply cleaned in years and regularly abused by sloppy college students. That means that most dorm kitchens have their fair share of vermin, mice and insect alike.

If you're alright with insects supplementing your daily protein intake and sharing your home with the City Mouse, skip this. If that idea makes you uncomfortable, read on.

Common Pests

Panty moths are a common pest that once introduced never seem to leave. It's quite easy to bring them into the dorm; just one tainted bag of grain means that the whole dorm will be infested.

Weevils and other grain pests are brought in a similar fashion.

Mice learn how to break into older buildings and remember which buildings serve as a good food source. No matter how many traps are laid down, a messy home will have mice. That means that your dorm and dorm kitchen has mice. Often, if you sit quietly in your kitchen with the light off and a bit of peanut butter out on the floor, close to a refrigerator or oven, you can see the mice venture out from one of their favorite hiding places.

Roaches are a step beyond the usual; if you see roaches you should contact your house master to try to get rid of the infestation. However, sometimes it is nearly impossible to get rid of cockroaches as they nest. To get rid of roaches you have get them all in one go. Everything else is damage control on a pest that's very hard to kill.

Silverfish probably aren't going to be in your kitchen. More likely, you'll see them in your bathroom or book shelf. These bugs eat paper and wood pulp but will go after starches and flour.

House centipede (above) is a bit of a misnomer. These aren't pests; they eat pests! They even go after bed bugs which makes them a bit of a hear. These creepy little bugs have frightened me more than once, climbing all up the wall or scampering off real quick as I enter a room. But don't try to kill them: they eat all those real pests listed above. They don't cary diseases so they're safe to leave alone. 

On wards to the advice~

Clean your cabinets!

  • Vacuum your cabinets thoroughly.
    • This will get rid of all the insect eggs and dust. 
    • Be very sure to get the corners. That's where cobwebs and eggs tend to be.
  • Bleach everything.
    • Take a cloth rag or paper towel and soak it in bleach. Soak. Full on soak. Then rub all surfaces down with the rag, such that they are slightly damp. 
    • Open a window or turn on the kitchen ventilation. Let the bleach sit for a few minutes. The bleach needs to sit to kill and disinfect everything.
    • Wipe down with water, getting rid of the bleach. 
  • Add a repellant. Natural repellants can simply be left in your cabinet without worry of hurting you. Check any sprays or poisons to make sure that they won't be hurting you as well as your unwanted cabinet guests. 
    • Moths: Lavender, Mint, Cedar
    • Weevils: Bay leaves
    • Mice: Mint, Clove, Dryer sheets 
    • Cockroaches: Bay leaves, Catnip, Garlic
    • Silverfish: Bay leaves, Clove, Eucalyptus
  • Periodically check and clean.

Based on all my posts about cleaning, I probably come off as a clean freak.
But let me tell you a little story.

My floor had a moth infestation, started in October and still going on. I had done my little cleaning routine with my cabinets at the start of the year and I did it once more when I saw the first of those horrid little moths. I told everyone on the floor what to do: throw out grains that weren't in glass or thick plastic air tight containers and to vacuum and bleach their cabinets.

Some listened. Most didn't.

Since then, all the other girls on my floor have had issues with moths fluttering out of their flour or little larva crawling about in their grains. Even now! We still catch sight of moths.

I have not had any moth problems. I haven't seen one moth egg, nor larva, nor grown moth in my cupboards and drawers. Not even a single one flying out of my cabinet to go to better shores. I haven't had to thrown anything away since the initial purge, unlike some girls who have had to throw our multiple containers of rice, cereal, and flour.

Listen to me: Clean your cupboards thoroughly and avoid the pests!

Talk to upperclassmen about what pests are common to your dorm and take steps to prevent them.

Air tight Tupperware

It's important to have airtight tupperware. Make sure that you have good thick plastic or it will be chewed through. I don't deny that this is an expensive investment. But it is very worth it. Good tupperware will save money because there will be no purges of a full cabinet. I swear, girls on my floor lost about $100 for each infestation of their cabinet. Not to mention that this tupperware lasts a while, even after graduation.

 Most pests can chew through thin plastic and cardboard. That means that the store packaging or plastic bags is not going to cut it. The moment you bring something into your home, transfer it to an airtight container.

For large purchases of grains such as rice or flour, put the grains in the freezer for 4-5 days. The extended cold will kill pests. Shorter stays will simply put them in hibernation which they will wake up from once in the cabinets. After a long freeze, the grains transfer immediately to an airtight container. 

Invest in glass jars with the plastic airtight seal. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cuter Electronics: THE END

So this is the end of the Cuter Electronics Series.

It was really fun to work on this for so long and share so many ideas.

What else would you like to see me write about?
What did you think of the series?
Did you purchase any of the listed pieces?

Let me know!
Comment and chit chat with me~

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Inspired positivity

I read a blog post here, at Stuck with Pins. I love seeing Corinne's photography and graphic design, especially since she applies her talent to every day things. She also shares artists' work, to help them gain attention and to share the gorgeous work they're doing. I'm always a big fan of seeing people beautify the everyday.

Reading this particular post about the positive change that Corinne's creating for 2013, I thought that she had some great points. Please read her post on staying positive. Read more for my additional suggestions.

I do have some additional advice.

  1. Don't underestimate the effect of small kindnesses.
It can be very difficult to find the strength to be kind when it's not an established habit. It's hard be kind to strangers, much less the people that you don't like. But starting small with your kindness is still valuable. 

Something as small as a smile to someone on the street or giving directions to a tourist can make a big difference in that person's day, even if it only seems like a tiny thing to you. 

Work your way up to being kind to your friends on a bad day. Maybe bring them lunch if they seem too busy to eat or give them your full attention for an hour of complaining. 

     2. Add a positive to the negative; Make a fresh start

With the skills of kindness to strangers and friends, you can try to be kind to people you dislike. First, give them the benefit of the doubt. It may be impossible to see where they're coming from, but for a week assume that they mean well. This is something I do to keep my irritation at bay.  

Once this is within your grasp, forget about all the previous irritations. Just clear the slate! Don't forget what they did. If they messed up a report or hurt you, remember to be cautious. But let go of the negative emotions that go with that. Try to stop complaining about it. When you want to complain about that one time they did that one thing, talk about what you learned from the experience. 

     3.  Complain: Compliment

If you can't stop complaining, make a deal with yourself: for every complaint, you have to compliment someone or something. 

I rely on my tumblr for getting out my anger and frustration. I couldn't stand to give it up. So when I write something negative or complain about something, I also spend as much time working on a blog post here, to give appreciation. 

     4. Appreciate self-love

Often, people think of self love as selfish. But it's a part of self-care, right there with eating right and showering. It's something that you need! You will shrivel up without caring for yourself. 

Plan in your self care. As I mentioned in my post on my day planner, at the start of the year  I sprinkle moments of self love through out the year. What works for you may be different. I have religious friends who can't do work on Sunday and so dedicate that day to relaxing and the self-care that can be overlooked in the week. 

And let me just emphasize: Drink water! It makes such a difference!

     5. Appreciation and Thankfulness

Write down what you like. Say thank you. It's a matter of slowing changing your perspective that will make the difference.
Look at what you have rather than what you're missing. Your feeling will change quickly.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Cuter Electronics: Mouse pad

Check out the cuter electronics post on mouse pads.

This may sound a little bit silly, but students really should invest in a mouse pad. You spend so much time sitting at your laptop that you want to be able to jot down things that you notice, as well as have a good surface for your wireless mouse.

It even has an inspirational quote on the botton.

I have a writing pad shaped like a cat. It's adorable and useful. As you can see, when my laptop is closed, I use the pad as a coaster. So many uses, ha.

Best thing.

Unfortunately, I'm down to the last three pages.

You can probably pick up something similar at the closest Korean stationary store.

Or these alternatives:

Legal Pad in Lovely Colors

To Do Pad

Innovera Gel Mouse

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Staying positive: Appreciate Thought

I've been trying to stay positive during 2013. As the year goes on and responsibilities pile up, it's easy to lose focus. It often seems to me that all of my efforts come to nothing; I can't see a change so I get disheartened.
But that's silly.

We should think our meaningful thoughts, and work towards developing those thoughts and ideals, rather than only seeing the impervious nature of the world.

A Quote

"My third maxim was always to try to conquer myself rather than fortune, and to change my desires rather than the order of the world, and generally to accustom myself to believing that there is nothing that is completely within our power except for our thoughts... And this alone seemed to me sufficient to prevent me in the future from desiring anything but what I was to acquire, and thus to make me contented."

This is a quote from Descartes' Discourse on Method. In particular I am using the Cress translation, Fourth Edition. (Pages 14-15)

But what does this mean?
Or maybe I should be more specific: what does this say to us, modern readers, not looking for philosophic enlightenment but for some good advice for day to day life.

The Quote Means:

What I think won't change reality. Sometimes, not even my best efforts will change reality.

So I should think to fit reality. Think positively. Appreciate my mind.

I should accept that fortune won't always be in my favor. Rather than worry about luck, I develop my mind. I accept the small effect that I can have on world so that I can be content. 

Why is this what I believe about this quote?

Descartes was a major philosopher of his time.  He lit a major spark in the fire of reason that spread over Europe a few decades after the publication of his Discourse on Method.

But Descartes was treading carefully while writing the Discourse. He admits in the text that he was frightened to publish his work, for fear of the church's repercussions  Descartes didn't see the change that was coming to the church and monarchy nor could he see the effect that his thoughts would have on the world.

He could have been disheartened by the world around him, given up. Easily, he could have given up his new method of thought since he didn't see it changing anything.

Instead, he wrote in private and focused on developing his theories. His philosophy caused major change!

Everyday, we are focused on the concerns of tomorrow. If we're lucky, we can look to the end of the month, maybe even the end of the year.
But it's difficult to stay calm while balancing these worries.
If you're not calm, you can't think. You can't come up with any great ideas or innovations.

Moral of the Story

Read Descartes; improve your perspective.

Conquer your mind for positivity. The rest of the world is sure to follow.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cuter Electronics: Touch Screen Compatible Gloves and Mittens

This is another winter themed electronics accessory, to go with the ear muff headphones.
Almost everyone has gloves and it seems like more and more people are getting touch screen compatible gloves. But a lot of those compatible gloves are either made out of ugly looking material or have the those awkward little touchscreen material the pointer and thumb fingertip. I hate how those look, not to mention that I don't always tap right on the functional material.

It doesn't have to be this way. Admire these fashionable gloves that are also smart phone compatible.

I can't take full credit for this post. I asked for lined leather gloves for Christmas and the ones my foster family got me were absolutely adorable. When I opened them, I couldn't believe how cute they were. Plus they had a tag saying they were touch screen compatible! I first wore them to the ballet and was happy to look up directions from the Park T stop while wearing my gloves. Plus my hands stayed super warm while wearing them, even as it started to snow.

I'll try to get the information for them. They gave me the inspiration for this post!

Touch Screen Compatible Gloves, in particular lovely leather gloves.


I love the look of these gloves. The patterning is simple but gives a great detail and texture to the leather. Thinsulate lining will keep your hands warm on those frigid winter days. One review mentions that these run small so be warned.


Another pair of leather gloves with touchscreen fingertips. The gold plated button on these gloves is the little detail that would make good interest with a gold buttoned coat. These aren't lined so a little less warm; might be better suited for fall wear in the brown colorway.


Another cute pair of leather gloves. These are lined with fleece for warm phone scrolling. The ruffles on the edge are so cute and give a great flirty feel to this leather piece.


These might not be gloves, but they're super adorable mittens. These have the phone compatible material on the thumb, pointer, and middle fingertip which is more than many gloves do. I love the cute snowflake design. Plus how cute does this couple look in all their matching winter gear? I couldn't leave these mitten out, if only for that.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Cuter Electronics: Laptop Case

A key to treating a laptop well is having a safe way to carry it. Many backpacks and briefcases now have special sections for carrying laptops. But there are still the hold outs and it's never bad to have too much protection for such an expensive electronic.

Urban Outfitters ($29-$100)

They have a wide selection of different stylish laptop cases. There is a bit of variation in price, but they're all cute.

Amazon Case Logic ($18)

desk organization: drawers

Organizing the drawers is, I think, the hardest thing to do. My drawer organization shifts as the semester goes on, as my study habits change. As always, the most important thing is finding something that works for you and your habits.

Step One: Clean

Carefully clean the surfaces and all the drawers of your cabinet. At the start of the year, give your desk a good treat of bleach, including the drawers. Trust me it's worth it. No one knows where the last resident stored their half used tissues.

Personally I use Pledge Multi Surface ($11). I also try to clean off the surface of my desk once a week because germs. If you want to go all out get a nice wood polisher, if you have a nice wooden desk. But do make sure to get something with anti bacterial properties.

Step Two: Drawer Check

Make sure that all of your drawers are properly aligned. If problems with the drawers sliding persist, the drawer hinges are probably a bit rusty.

Your dorm manager may be able to hook you up with some grease or WD40 for your desk drawers if they are too creaky or jam a lot. If not, you can buy WD40 from most hardware shops.

If you are super concerned about germs, you can get anti bacterial removable desk liners from most Bed, Bath and Beyond and similar style of stores. You can get some on Amazon ($3; pictured above).

Step Three: Personalized Handles


If you want to go the extra mile to personalize your desk, you can get change out for new drawer handles. Anthropology ($8 - $15; pictured above) has a ton of different styles of handles as do many hardware stores. Make sure to keep the dorm ones; you'll have to put them back at the end of the school year.

Step Four: Plan, Concentrate, Shop

A desk is a place that you should be able to calmly concentrate, with all of your supplies in easy reach from your seat. Think about what things you use most often: pens, pencils, highlighters, post it notes, paper clips, binders, whatever office supplies you tend to use. Don't take for granted that the "typical" office supplies need to be in ready reach tho. For example, I don't use paper clips or post its very often but I use a lot of binder clips and sticky flags.

Get a desk organizer or silverware organizer for your drawers. I'd strongly suggest getting bamboo desk organizers because they're easier on the environment and your wallet. There are a ton of different styles and sizes for these desk organizers.

Tips to get the right size: 

  • Be very careful measuring out the interior of your desk when ordering online. Leave a little bit of space if you can, as not all measurements are precise. These small spaces can be filled with thin paper products; don't worry about them.
  • If you're going into the store, you can cut a bit of newspaper or poster to fit inside of your drawer. Place things you're considering on top of the paper to make sure they would perfectly fit you actual drawer.

Step Five: Preserve

Now that everything has a proper place, create the habit of putting things back where they belong.
Plan to clean your desk and drawers regularly. Don't let dust or grime build up; clean more often during the winter flu months.

I'd suggest getting cedar scent blocks for your drawers. They keep away moths. Plus, they smell good.