Saturday, June 6, 2015

Dorm Advice: Summer Storage

Are you moving out for the summer? If it's your first year, it might be difficult to know what to do with your room full of stuff. Or you may want advice as a senior on how to get your things to your new home.

Read more for advice on summer storage!


First, sort you things into three piles: "Things you take with you," "Things to leave here," and "Things to get rid of."

"Things to take with you"

Make sure that you have all the clothes you need for the summer with you along with any things you use regularly. Sort out your expensive electronics along with their chargers.

These are the sorts of things that I start to pack into my luggage: expensive, irreplaceable items and items I will need immediately. I try to limit myself to one checked bag and one carry on. I place the expensive or irreplaceable things in the carry on.

The other run over items in this pile goes into large cardboard boxes which I mail to my home. You can either purchase large boxes or ask the post office for free ones.

"Things to get rid of"

Offer your "Things to get rid of" pile to friends. A good end of the year get together is clothes swap. You can also have an event like this for your floor.

If you're looking for some extra cash, see if you can sell any old things to a consignment shop. Consider holding on to old textbooks until the start of the next term since there's higher prices and more interest then.
Take the left over items from "Things to get rid of" to a Goodwill or other donation center.

"Things to leave here"

Ask your dorm or house manager if there's storage space in your dorm or on campus.

If you have friends or family in the area, see if they can store your things.

The final option is professional storage. Check with upperclass men to find out which storage centers are reputable. Also, see if there is a student discount or coupon available.

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