Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Friendly Reminder

I am amazed. This is a real note posted in a real MIT dorm to real actual students who are 18-22 years old.

[caption id="attachment_647" align="alignnone" width="300"]"Food is delicious, but fire is deadly. This is a friendly reminder" "Food is delicious, but fire is deadly. This is a friendly reminder"[/caption]

We, as MIT students and legal adults, apparently need to be reminded that leaving a stove on can lead to a fire that can kill you (along with all the other residents of the dorm, too).

One of my favorite quotes from an MIT class:
MIT is real life. If you die at MIT, you die in real life. -Prof Sekazi

Maybe some other students need to hear these wise words and reconsider their player strategy here. A really valuable lesson in that quote.

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