Saturday, March 14, 2015

Kitty Lovin' Timeline


I used to have this little kid chair when I lived in a dorm. Prilla liked to sit in it right after I got her. It was the kitty throne and got covered in her white hair.


Prilla in my first apartment. She loved to sit at the windows in my room. She'd watch everyone walk by and judge my attempts at artwork. All while knocking things over that I put on the window ledges.


Here is the little window ledge we had set up in that same apartment. Those bushes had tons of birds that would hang out in them. The birds would peck and chirp and do little bird things. Prilla would sit on the window ledge and try to chirp at them. Yes, my cat tries to talk to birds. 


Here is Prilla in my current first-on-my-own apartment. This bed is her favorite place out of everywhere. She settled in the new apartment very quickly. As you can see, she loves to curl up in cute positions. I love to rub her belly much more than she loves to have her belly rubbed.

IMG_1354I totally love to take photos of her when she's sleeping. Especially her toe beans. Tumblr's reference of toe beans is my favoritest thing. Squish squish. IMG_1207Priscilla is almost always hanging out on the couch and fuzzy blanket. On the really energetic days she'll even move across the sofa to follow the sun. While napping. She again has clearly settled into her life with me in this apartment. She has even begun to exert her creativity to come up with new amazing ways to sit on the couch. I do not like some of these ideas, but I don't want to interfere with her hobby.


The fuzzy blanket is ready to catch her white belly fur when the top of the couch is fully covered. Props.

1 comment:

  1. […] Having met my cat and seen how she has developed over the last two years, you might be wondering how I have changed over the years. I feel as though I’m reaching a marker in my life – Graduation is certainly a major life marker. Friends are traveling the country to visit grad schools. Some announced internships in California. A few got married. Discussion focuses on what we’re going to do with the rest of our lives and where. It’s such a time of change. […]
