Friday, October 10, 2014

Update & Return

I am sorry that it has been so long since my last writing.

I have now gotten through my first month of my last year at MIT. What a strange contrast! I have a full load of classes. A lot of reading and writing to manage along with a lab class.

I have settled into my new apartment and am happily living alone, closing a strange saga of dorm-apartment life. Well, I say alone, but my little fluff is always here. She has also adapted to her new home.

[caption id="attachment_380" align="alignleft" width="219"]IMG_1119 My cat lying on the floor (rather than one of her beds) with 3 of her toys placed on her side (and another in the background)[/caption]

I am also working in the Wunsch Conservation lab. I'm extraordinarily grateful to have the opportunity to watch the book and paper conservators there work magic! Really, I would encourage everyone to explore some of the treasures that the MIT Libraries have treasured away. I will share how a small thing turned into such a great work connection!

Of course, I also have my struggles. These struggles have made it difficult for me to write here. The transitions with moving and starting the course work are very stressful for me - as life is, with one stress comes a whole handful. There has been drama about closing out the summer; there is drama about getting to know a new set of people in the fall. I don't know how to describe the worries that I have, emotionally, based on my past, and now looking forward at graduation. I don't know if I'm ready to share them in a coherent way here.

I would like to keep writing here, being candid with you and creating a space where I share and support improvement. I know that I will have ups and downs. There will be times where it may seem impossible to me to be able to sit down and share what I am going through. But I would like to try. Because writing here is I think about careful self care and accountability. 

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