Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Cabinet DIY Spray paint


This is the old set up of my cabinet on my desk. Most importantly, everything in my bedroom is shades of white. I wanted this to match. I also wanted to transform it into a space where I could take photos. 

It started out as a nice posh set up but then I got less organized and knick knacks started piling up in it.


And here it is! Doesn't it just look so much better!

The clip you see is for a book light so that I can have excellent lighting. The bottom is space for snacks and other bits that shouldn't have been on the desk top anyway. 

I would rather that the door opened the other way, but I got the cabinet before the current desk layout. I might try moving it to the right side of the desk. 

Atop my dresser, sit my two small Asuka figurines. Hopefully I'll take the time to photograph all of my figurines and share them with you. I am slowly building up my collection! I really want to get the 4.0 figurine; I missed out on the 1.0 figurine. 

Here's another comparison shot. I don't see all of the differences between the lighting but I do understand that white backgrounds make such a difference. I think that I can see it on the gold jewelry box. I'm really working to improve on taking photos. I wouldn't dare to call it photography, but I really want to improve my skills and the only way to do that is practice!

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