Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Summer Internship: 2014 at the Museum of Fine Arts!

I posted last year about what I brought to my summer internship at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Now I'm posting about what I'm bringing to my internship at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Isn't that crazy how long it's been?! I can barely believe it!

I'm so excited to be working at the MFA this summer. I'm in the Research department of Conservation, working under the guidance of two amazing conservators. I worked with them throughout this year, coming in during January's IAP term. It was amazing to go through the process of a literature search. Seeing how all of those journal articles turn into new research: what a dream! Now I get to apply the protocols that I helped to design for what could very well be a published research paper.

Read more to see the outfit that I put together and what's in my work purse!

I'm using the same purse, but what's inside is pretty different. I'm trying something new for my images! Please let me know what you think of this type of style! Do you like the compilation? Any suggestions?

  • Lab note book
  • iPad
  • Phone (I got a new case!)
  • Owl writing pad
  • Post it note pad
  • Make up & hair serum
  • Granola
You might notice that I'm not bringing any pencils with me. That's because I'm only supposed to write in pen in my lab notebook; it would just be too much temptation for me. However, there are some areas of the museum where you cannot bring pens in! It's a conservation concern. Fortunately these areas always have pencils on hand.

Here's the outfit that I'm going to be wearing, this dress and this silk scarf. I absolutely love this dress with it's little bow details and swooshy skirt!

Now I know that it might seem very plain without any jewelry. But I can't wear any jewelry since I will be working in a lab! Jangling bracelets and hanging necklaces are all a risk to the art. I can wear earrings. And since the lab is pretty lax due to a lack of dangerous materials, you can wear short sleeves and skirts.

Grab your own silk scarf at Modcloth!


If you want to apply for an internship you can at the MFA's internship opportunity page. Internships really are amazing opportunities and the MFA has so many great positions to learn and network from. Check it out for the upcoming fall term!

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