Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Refocus: Upcoming internship and career posts

I wanted to take a post to refocus myself. This internship is a totally new experience for me; I've never worked in an office before and I find myself both excited and tired by what that work experience is like. I want to refocus myself so that I can better help you: it's only by having a good sense of my goals that I can share with you advice of how to pursue your goals.

Here are a few posts to look forward to!

  • How to make a good impression at your internship
  • Connecting to others in a workplace
  • Internship Advice Collection
  • Initiative: Internships and being your best
  • Internship Outfits!
  • How did you learn about Art Conservation?

Read more for the commentary on refocusing!

I've been spending a lot of time trying to figure out exactly how I can get towards my dream of preserving artwork, combining my love of science with my passion for the arts. It seems like the people who end up in the conservation field enter it from, not only a place of exceptional comfort and privilege, but from a different academic setting than I'm in. As much as I love MIT, we don't have studio art classes or a strong art history department. Not to mention that conservation seems to be a bit taboo- those who love art history are frightened of the technical requirements.

Additionally, I want to refocus this blog. I want to share something valuable with all of you. Your reading or just stumbling on this blog means so much to me. I find writing and explaining my experience to give me a lot and the whole process of working on this blog gives me a lot of focus. Writing to you, as friends, is an external promise that motivates me to work hard. I feel honored to be able to share with you; I don't want to break that honor.

Part of that honor, I think, needs to be to turn this into something positive and valuable. I feel that there is a lot of personal meaning and academic advice catalogued in this blog. I want to continue to expand on this and start sharing financial and professional advice. I want i choose to refuse to reflect how I'm growing and changing: the books I read, how I pursue a career, my worried about student loans, the paintings and sketchs I make, and all the amazing things that are helping me to grow.

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